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Back of Beyond Farm provides private land wildlife and natural resource management guidance and on-the-ground project delivery to help you achieve the wildlife goals you have for you property.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

First Season: Food from Field

Hunting is so complex. In it's politicized nature. In it's tie to guns, and their connection to violence. And, it is clear, that hunting is what allowed us to become human. Hunting provides the fats needed for the development (evolutionary and in individual development) of these huge super computers we haul around in our heads called brains. It is nearly impossible to explain, but nothing ties one closer to nature - has the power to make one an environmentalist/nature lover/nature understander/ecologist than hunting. From the track to the tripe you are invited to know another creature in a way that camera or binocular rival, but just can't quite capture.

In our family hunting is a culture that extends back, through story and ritual for generations. My Grandpa Hurkes harvested deer and elk of legendary proportions. My Dad and his brothers had the responsibility of hunting to feed their family - not an optional extra - but a real chance at protein. My Wakefield side of the family settled in the Wisconsin Big Woods and worked on and with the land to survive. To loose this sense of connection and responsibility to the wild world about us would be a failure on my part as a father. And while JoJo and Luci will take walks in the woods and field's this year, it's Makabe's first season.

I am heading afield in a new direction this year, not out-front, but 5-10 yards behind, calling out reminders about safety, pointing towards this sign or that. Calling on my training to train.

Monday, October 28, 2013

First Season: Introduction

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind, few. Here is the secret to the arts: Always be a beginner." - Zen proverb

This Fall has been so much about First Seasons - new beginnings. Personally, as a family, as a larger community. Time, floods, fire, transitions allow us the experiences of beginning again.

My mind has drifted from the Farm - with barely enough time to get it all done - it took everything I had to just do what needed to be done. And some due to the First Seasons around here - Makabe's first hunting season, his first season of organized hockey, friend Mark's first elk hunt, first time Jen and I have both been teaching full-time, first season of ballet for Jo and Luci. First season for little Juniper to chase birds in Autumn fields. Forgive me the silence and forgive me the new direction, for now, that this blog will bend towards. But it is all one conversation - how to raise food, family, culture in a place. How to root and be rooted. I hope you enjoy sharing our "First Seasons" with us.